Top 10 Foods We Think Are “SUPER” #7 of 10 – Raw Sauerkraut

This is our seventh installment of our “Super Foods” series. We want to continue inspiring you to have a happy belly. Read all about Raw Sauerkraut below to learn why we think it’s “Super” and how to incorporate more into your everyday busy life!

  1. Sea vegetables
  2. Bone broth
  3. Leafy green vegetables
  4. Freshly ground flax seeds
  5. Coconut oil
  6. Green Tea
  7. Raw Sauerkraut
  8. Eggs
  9. Water
  10. Brazil nuts

Raw Sauerkraut

Raw sauerkraut is a fermented cabbage with excellent healing benefits for the digestive system. It’s considered a “superfood” because it contains high levels of Vitamin K2, which is often lacking in the American diet.

Vitamin K2:

  • Also known as menaquinone, Vitamin K2 is produced by the bacteria in your gastrointestinal tract.
  • Raw sauerkraut is rich in lactobacillus, making it an excellent and budget-friendly probiotic that helps restore gut flora.

Benefits of Vitamin K2:

  • Essential for building bone density.
  • Helps in preventing kidney stones.
  • Aids in preventing arteriosclerosis.

Dietary Sources:
Most Americans do not consume traditionally fermented foods, so it’s important to include Vitamin K2 in your diet. Apart from raw sauerkraut, you can obtain Vitamin K2 from:

  • Fatty meats
  • Egg yolks
  • Other fermented foods, such as certain types of cheeses, natto, and traditional fermented vegetables (e.g., real pickles that do not contain vinegar).

For those who struggle to get enough Vitamin K2 from their diet, a supplement like Jarrow MK-7 can be beneficial.

Favorite Sauerkraut Recipes:

Make at raw sauerkraut at home

Sliced thinly, cabbage is put it in sealed container with salted water for about 10 days. The jar is kept covered, so that light cannot interfere with the fermentation process.

The salt is essential because it draws the juice from the cabbage and also because it kills the putrefactive microbes in the initial stages of fermentation.

Favorite Sauerkraut Brand:

FarmHouse Culture – The Best Darn Kraut! Careful not to buy brands that have vinegar – it’s not the same. Look for raw kraut.

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