How Hydration Impacts Digestion

The Eating Hygiene Series: The Hydration Equation

Happy Belly Health Digestion and Weight Specialists

T H E    E A T I N G    H Y G I E N E    S E R I E S     9 / 11How hydration impacts digestion

Being hydrated is so, so important. We know this. We all know we should be drinking the proverbial eight glasses a day. But there’s an art and a science to drinking water.

It’s not ideal to glug water during a meal. This just dilutes important stomach acids and enzymes that you need for digestion. Drinking tea or coffee with meals is not great, either. They contain tannins and other binders that inhibit mineral absorption.

Instead, hydrate before meals. Try a glass of water 15 to 20 minutes before you eat (while you’re cooking, perhaps) to hydrate your stomach walls and help stimulate stomach acid production.

In general, try to drink most of your water in between meals, always drinking before you’re actually thirsty. If you find yourself feeling pretty parched, it’s a sign to hydrate more and earlier.

By the way, coffee and tea can be wonderful digestives, but best enjoyed when you’ve given your stomach 30 minutes to start digesting the food.

“I’ve accomplished so much! I definitely am eating more vegetables and enjoying them. I’m also cooking more. It’s something I always enjoyed, but now I have a good reason to do it. Improvements in how I feel include no gas and bloating, weight loss, sleeping better and just feel my body is generally operating better- more like it should be. I’ve gotten compliments on my skin also. Pretty much, life is good!” — Kathy .

Keep your water intake during meals to 4 ounces at most —and avoid gulping. Make a practice of drinking before it becomes an emergency.


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