Tap into mindful eating

T H E  E A T I N G  H Y G I E N E  S E R I E S  4 / 11

Are you in your body when you eat?


Inhabiting a stressed-out body on even a subtle level negatively impacts our ability to both enjoy our food and profit from the nutrition within it. But when we tap into our parasympathetic nervous-system state — the one where we’re relaxed and present — we can stop that cycle.

Mindful eating means slowing down in every way. Having a relaxed state of mind, relaxed muscles, and relaxed pace while eating allows our digestive system to “rest and digest.” It stimulates our digestive enzymes and gland secretions, which in turn allows our body to more efficiently and thoroughly digest food.


If you’ve ever practiced meditation or relaxing breathing exercises, now’s the time to bring them into your eating.


“As someone who struggled with body image/unhealthy eating habits, I am in such a better place now then I ever really thought was possible. It’s still something I have to be mindful of every single day, but having the key insights that HBH provided me has made all the difference…” — Gina S.



Deep belly breathing can help maneuver your nervous system into “rest and digest” mode. Try this: Before you eat, take two deep belly breaths and then pause to notice how doing so makes you feel. Try it again, pausing during your meal, and one more time when you’re finished eating. Instead of jumping up and running on to the next thing, give your body a moment to settle into digestion.

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