Sprouting Nuts and Seeds

Soaking/Sprouting Nuts and Seeds

Nuts and seeds are healthy foods!

  • They contain naturally balanced amounts of:

    • Protein
    • Fiber
    • Carbohydrates
    • Fat
  • Ideal and convenient as:

    • Snack foods
    • Toppings for dishes (e.g., stir-fry, salads)

There are many varieties, each offering unique nutrients:

  • Almonds
  • Walnuts
  • Pistachios
  • Pecans
  • Brazil nuts
  • Sunflower seeds
  • Pumpkin seeds

A snack of nuts or seeds, as opposed to something sugar- or flour-laden (e.g., a granola bar, muffin, crackers, popcorn), can satisfy your hunger for longer and much more effectively.

Unfortunately, we tend to grab a pack of nuts/seeds without thinking about how they have been prepared.

  • Some people struggle with digesting nuts and seeds; they might experience:

    • Acid reflux
    • Indigestion
    • Bloating
    • Flatulence

      As a result, they may choose to avoid these foods.
  • Many others may not experience digestive distress but don’t realize they are missing out on absorbing all the nutrients available in these foods.

As you progress on your wellness journey, an important consideration is preparing nuts and seeds (as with whole grains and legumes) in a way that allows you to digest them easily and absorb their nutrients fully.

Nuts and seeds both naturally contain significant amounts of a substance called phytic acid.

  • This acid serves as a mineral binder to prevent the seed from sprouting too soon outdoors.

  • Phytic acid binds with phosphorus to create phytates, which prevent the absorption of vital nutrients like:

    • Calcium
    • Magnesium
    • Iron
    • Zinc

  • If phytates are not removed, they remain in the food when consumed, resulting in:

    • GI distress
    • Reduced nutrient absorption

The simple process of soaking and roasting (or dehydrating) deactivates phytates.

  1. Soaking

    • Purchase seeds and nuts raw.
    • Place them in a bowl of room temperature water (time varies by type).
    • If soaking for more than 12 hours, drain the nuts/seeds and add fresh water halfway through the time.

  2. Sprouting

    • Nuts/seeds that have been mechanically (vs. chemically) harvested may sprout.
    • Sprouting enhances nutrition by creating more B vitamins.

  3. Rinsing and Roasting

    • Rinse and drain your nuts/seeds well.

    • Sprinkle with unrefined sea salt if desired.

    • Slow roast at 225° until crispy (2-8 hours depending on type) on a baking sheet (one layer thick).

    • Alternatively, dry them in a dehydrator at a lower temperature (105° or less) over a longer period (1-3 days) for a nut/seed that is crispy and still raw.

Let a sample nut cool well before tasting for dryness and crunch. Be sure to let all nuts cool completely before storing them in an airtight container. Yes, this overall process takes commitment and a little work, so be sure to process several pounds of nuts at once for ease.

Because of phytates, I don’t recommend regularly consuming nuts/seeds raw if they haven’t been soaked. 

Heat also plays a role in deactivating phytates but is not as effective as soaking. The problem with most commercially roasted nuts/seeds is that they have been cooked at very high temperatures (~400°+), which damages the oils in these foods and makes them inflammatory.

At a minimum, even if you’re not willing to spend the time soaking at first, buy nuts raw and roast them at home at a low temperature (10-30 min.) to avoid damaging heat-sensitive oils.

Try soaking and roasting/dehydrating to enhance your health. In addition to making your nuts/seeds easier to digest, you will be amazed at how much sweeter, flavorful, and softer they are. This is particularly true for typically bitter choices like walnuts; soaked and dehydrated, they are divine!

Typical Soaking/Sprouting times (remember to change out the water every 12 hours)

Almonds: soak 24 hours or sprout in ~72 hours

Walnuts: soak 36 hours (will not sprout)

Pecans: soak 24 hours (will not sprout)

Cashews: soak 6 hours maximum!

Brazil nuts: soak 36-­48 hours (will not sprout)

Sunflower seeds: 12 hours or will sprout in 18­-24 hours

Pumpkin seeds: 12-­24 hours or will sprout in ~72 hours

Borrowed with permission from Purpose LLC

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