Social Isolation can Cause Disease

Read this article by Dr. Mark Hyman and learn how social isolation can cause disease. 

New research shows that social separation is a larger cause of disease and death than poor nutrition, lack of exercise or smoking.  Every day, we are discovering in the medical world, that having COMMUNITY is a bigger driver of your health than diet, exercise, lifestyle…. Anything. 

The facts emerging from recent research show that social isolation is a serious cause of illness.

Social isolation spreads throughout all parts of our culture, and it may be harming your health – or someone you love – even if your calendar is full!  

Let’s talk about three things that can turn it around quickly. 

First, before I offer these three tips, I want to showcase how important it is to be sure the elderly, in our lives, have a conversation with someone every day.  Isolation is pervasive in advanced aging.  Be sure to look into the community services available where your parents or grandparents live. 

In many communities, large and small, there is an elderly outreach program to just call and check in once a day.  And, even if they don’t like the food offered by “meals on wheels”, that opportunity to have someone knock on the door once a day is wonderful.  

Now for you!

Check into the local volunteer opportunities – and make sure it’s something you’re passionate about, so you don’t lose interest or get “too busy” to stick with it. If you need something with more action, your local ambulance corps or fire company almost always needs volunteers! Or turn the “meals on wheels” idea around and BE the one who shows up every day with a delicious lunch for the elderly.

Do you love to cook? Knit? Hike? Check out local Meetup groups on – just search by topic and zip code and you’re in!  Many of these are offered at NO cost. And, if going online isn’t your thing, check out your local church choir – if you can carry a tune, they’d probably love to have you.

If you love to do something that doesn’t have a formal “group” underneath it, not only can you take the initiative to start a group, but you can also volunteer to TEACH that hobby or expertise you have, at the local high school – or senior center.  Think outside your comfort zone and bring your hidden talent with you. 

The bottom line is that human contact is VITAL to all humans. And, just because your calendar is full, that might not mean real contact is going on. I know hundreds of health practitioners and busy entrepreneurs who work 70+ hours a week and talk to patients or clients all the time, but who live very isolated lives below the surface. 

Take the time – MAKE the time – you are worth friends and activities that fill your soul.  Your brain loves to be happy.  It is a natural antidote to stress AND it’s a surefire way to have better health.    

I promise you, if you do these challenges and watch this documentary series, you’ll walk away with a much better, deeper sense of personal ownership and understanding of your most precious and dynamic organ, the brain. 

Wishing you health and happiness, 

Mark Hyman, MD

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