Is Stress Crippling Your Digestion

Woman frustrated sitting at her laptop- health and wellness coaching

You can’t worry your way to better health

Every year, the American Psychological Association conducts an annual Stress in America survey. Their 2017 results revealed that in addition to the usual stressors of money and work, more and more people are really stressed out about the future of our nation. Add that to your personal stressors and woes, and it can be overwhelming.

The bad news is, all this stress is terrible for your digestion.

The good news?

Things might feel tough, but you don’t have to let every little thing get to you. Taking steps to eliminate stressors in your life — the ones you can, anyway — is a great start. What can you shift? And what can you let go of?

"Working with HBH was wonderful because they were able to take away the demons of shame and perfectionism away that have kept me from trying to improve my nutrition in the past. They never focused on what I was doing wrong. Instead, their minds jumped to what could we add here or there, working with my limited resources to make my college campus a healthy environment....Now I'm going through college optimistic about my nutrition for the first time ever!"
Olivia T.


Notice the things stressing you out in your everyday life. Does your heart race when you hear the news? Does an internet headline cause an anxiety spike? Consider taking a break from media — particularly social media — and see if you start to feel more relaxed. Even just ignoring your phone before bed or starting your day with something more productive than a Twitter scroll can help.

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