Initial Assessment

At Happy Belly Health® we understand that health and wellness is a very personal experience. That’s why getting to know you is so important to our customized 1-2-1 Coaching health programs.

Our Initial Assessment is a virtual meeting to review your personal health history including recent lab work results, symptoms, food journal, medications and supplements – and more!

We’ll spend about an hour together during the initial meeting getting to know your specific lifestyle so we can begin to investigate and identify what is needed to get your unique body to enjoy optimal health.

Woman eating a bowl of oatmeal and fruit

Book Your Initial Assessment Now:

A monthly calendar with a notebook and bowl of apple slices on top.

What to Expect?

Please know the underlying root causes of your symptoms won’t be solved in one session but the Initial Assessment will provide us with the information to build a plan with Happy Belly Health® as your health coach or wherever the next phase of your health journey takes you.