How To Track Your Symptoms And Eat For Health

help your health

How to Eat for Health

Tracking what you eat, when you poop, and how you feel can help you eat for health. The tracking will help you determine if the foods you eat are working for you, if you’re eating enough or in excess, and why you might be choosing to eat.

This can be very insightful in helping you along your healing journey.

Take a minute after each meal to jot down when and what you ate, your hunger level, where you were when eating, and how you felt. Also note if there was anything usual about that meal. Write down when you poop as well. Sometimes you may wish to also take a photo of your meal and review this plus the log together with your practitioner. A photo can say a thousand words!

When         FoodHunger LevelSituationComments
(time) (preparation, types)(0-5)(place, activity during)(emotional, physical ,mood)







Morning Snack(s) 






Afternoon Snack(s) 






Evening Snack(s) 



Bowel Movements (times, consistency, color, odor, urgency, other details)

© Purpose Inc., The School of Applied Functional MedicineTM

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