Home-made Kale Chips


  • 1 cup white gluten-free miso paste 
  • 2 cloves garlic, (minced)
  • ½ tsp unrefined sea salt
  • 1 cup nutritional yeast
  • 2 tbs extra virgin olive oil
  • 2 tbs dulse granules
  • 3 bunches curly kale, (trimmed off stems and torn into bite-sized pieces)


  1. Combine miso, garlic, salt, nutritional yeast, oil and dulse into a food processor, and process until it forms a smooth paste.
  2. Working in batches, place kale into a large mixing bowl. 
  3. Massage kale with the seasoned miso paste so that the paste adheres to the kale leaves. 
  4. Layer the kale onto a lined food dehydrator tray and dehydrate at 125 F until crispy – about 12 hours.



Borrowed from NourishedKitchen

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