Happy Belly Health’s “Cheat Sheet”

The 22 most important facts to consider for optimal health

1. In some way, all disease begins in the gut. You are what you absorb.

  • The bacteria in our gut out-number our cells by a ratio of 10:1. Our health depends on their health and balance (e.g. probiotics, fiber, minimum medications, no sucralose, low sugar). 

  • Stomach acid production begins to deteriorate as we age. Most acid reflux is caused by low 
magnesium, food sensitivities, stress, or too LITTLE acid (not too much). 

  • Constipation is dangerous, not just uncomfortable. 

  • Over 2/3 of the immune system is housed in the gut. Most often, chronic inflammation begins in the gut but may be experienced elsewhere in the body, often quite distant from the gut.

2. Toxins are everywhere. No matter how zealous you are, there is no such thing as a “pure lifestyle” in the settled western world. Your liver is your best friend. Support it daily. What is toxic to one person is fine for another person. Genetic impairment in detoxification is common (e.g. MTHFR SNP). 

3. Top American Nutrient Deficiencies: Magnesium, Omega-3s, Vitamin D, Zinc, Probiotics. Omega 6 : Omega 3 fat imbalance seriously damages our cell membranes and can cause dysfunction anywhere in the body. 

4. Sub-clinical, undiagnosed hypothyroidism is rampant. It often occurs alongside adrenal fatigue. Make sure you know how to ask for a comprehensive thyroid function panel (not just TSH). 

5. Most people (>50%) feel noticeably better not eating gluten (i.e. wheat). But they have to eliminate it cold- turkey for a few weeks and then reintroduce it in quantity for a few days in order to tell for sure. 

6. Insulin resistance is epidemic in our culture. And “Fasting glucose” lab work doesn’t show it. 

7. 2/3 of the world is lactose intolerant (yet still have Olympic teams). Dairy is not a dietary necessity. 

8. No one diet in particular is better, in general. Raw, Paleo, Vegan, Low-fat might be better for one individual, but whole food is always better for everyone. 

9. People with autoimmune disease have intestinal permeability which is exacerbated by gluten.

10. Cholesterol is necessary for life (and is the starting point for all steroid hormones).

11. Too much calcium in the body, especially when ingested via supplements, can be quite dangerous (e.g.kidney stones, arterial plaque). Most women are taking too much.

12. Depression and anxiety usually have physical roots (and not in the brain, usually in the gut). 

13. All medications are toxins. Some can be life-saving. Most are designed only for short-term triage. 

14. Estrogen dominance is rampant (in women and increasingly so in men too). Women start making less progesterone 5-10 years before menopause. 

15. Mitochondria are responsible for making all of our energy in all our cells. They are very sensitive to toxins. Statin drugs poison mitochondria. Most people need mitochondria support to feel optimal. 

16. Hypertension is usually an issue of high blood sugar, low magnesium, and low potassium, and not an issue of elevated sodium. Regardless, it is a serious issue that has to be treated. 

17. Your skin is like a giant mouth. Feed it carefully. Don’t put things on your skin that you wouldn’t be willing to eat. Many common personal hygiene products have ingredients that act like estrogen. 

18. Intuition is powerful. People tend to already know what is causing their issues. Ask yourself what you suspect is true. Then listen to that. 

19. A person can have a perfect diet, exercise, and sleep habits. And chronic stress can still be deadly. 

20. When in doubt, think about the immune system. It is watching everything you do all the time. Is it strong or weak? Over-reacting or under-reacting? 

21. For optimal function, we need supplemental nutrients. Food is not as nutrient-dense as it used to be even fifty years ago. And our world is much, much, much more toxic and stressful. 

22. Physiologically, cells respond to thoughts as though they are reality. The body follows the mind. 


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