Fiber, the almighty bowel-booster

T H E C O N S T I P A T I O N  S E R I E S #6 out of 9 

Be Honest: How’s Your Fiber Intake?

Most of us already know that fiber is important to proper elimination, but did you know there are two types of fiber essential to our bodies’ ability to pass healthy stools?

Soluble fiber sources include apples, rice and oatmeal — or a supplement like Metamucil or psyllium husk. These all work if you’re having problems with loose stools because it adds “bulk”, but if constipation is your struggle, you’ll also need the other kind of fiber, as well.

Insoluble Fiber helps move stools along through your colon and is much more helpful for constipation.

Try adding these fiber-rich foods to your regular diet:

  • Lentils and beans
  • Whole grains
  • Vegetables, especially leafy greens
  • Coconut flour and flakes
  • Freshly-ground flax seeds
  • Chia seeds
  • Hemp seeds
  • Acacia flour

Note that some people don’t handle legumes like lentils and beans well. If constipation is caused by SIBO (a bacterial overgrowth in the small intestine)—the case for 75% of Irritable Bowel Syndrome cases—legumes (and probiotics, for that matter) are contraindicated. If you suspect that this might be your situation, we highly recommend a consultation to get to the bottom of your particular health issues with some one-on-one personal guidance.

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A Word of Advice


If your body isn’t used to much fiber, start out slow or you’ll suffer from belly aches. We often recommend first getting the bowels moving with proper hydration, magnesium, and healthy fats, than slowly increasing your fiber intake for long-term bowl health.

“(HBH) identified supplements that immediately got my digestive system back on track. But we didn’t stop there. In every session, my coach taught me new nutritional tips and helped me set goals for myself…” — Aubrey M.

Want more customized help?

Digestion issues are complicated and can be influenced by many factors. If you’re frustrated with your “normal” constipation and want to get things back on track, Happy Belly Health can help. The best way to get started is with an initial consultation.

Let’s chat!

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