Chewing Mindfully

The Importance of Chewing: The First Step to Better Digestion

  • Chewing & Digestion:

    • Chewing is the first step in digestion, triggering the release of digestive enzymes that help break down food.

  • Carbohydrate Digestion:

    • The digestion of carbohydrates begins in the mouth.

    • Proper chewing makes fats, proteins, and minerals more available for absorption.

  • Whole Food Carbohydrates:

    • Whole grains and other complex carbohydrates should be chewed thoroughly and mixed with saliva until they become liquid.

    • This process helps release their full nutritional value.

  • Enhanced Sweetness:

    • The more you chew complex carbohydrates, the sweeter they may taste.

  • Benefits of Thorough Chewing:

    • Efficient digestion leads to your body feeling lighter after meals.

How to Chew Properly

  • Focus on Chewing:

    • Count the chews in each bite to help break the habit of eating quickly.

    • Put your fork down between each bite to slow down.

  • Chewing Guidelines:

    • Start by chewing each mouthful at least 20 times, gradually increasing to 30 or more as needed.

    • Continue chewing until the food becomes liquid before swallowing.

    • Proper chewing breaks down food into tiny bits, making it easier for your stomach and small intestine to digest.

    • Saliva plays a crucial role in the digestion of carbohydrates.

  • When You Feel the Urge to Swallow:

    • If you feel compelled to swallow before chewing enough times, move the food to the side of your mouth and swallow only the saliva (like you would with chewing gum).

    • Then, continue chewing the food until it’s properly broken down.

  • Relaxation at Mealtimes:

    • If you’re feeling pressured during meals, take deep breaths, chew slowly, and let the act of chewing relax you.

    • Taking the time to chew thoroughly allows you to fully enjoy the spectrum of tastes and aromas in your meal.

Mindful Eating Suggestions Before eating
  • Shower or wash hands and face.

  • Turn off the television, radio, telephone. Ideally, do not read either.

  • Find a clean quiet place to eat. Perhaps light a candle or play soft music.

  • Stretch, breathe.

  • Say a prayer or reflect on your gratitude for the meal.

  • Align your posture and breathe.

During your meal
  • Place a bite of food in your mouth.

  • Put your utensil down.

  • Place your hands together or rest them calmly while chewing.

  • Begin chewing and deep breathing.

  • Concentrate on what you’re doing. Enjoy and savor each bit of the food

  • Look at your food or something attractive. Or if you like, close your eyes partially or fully.

  • If you are enjoying the company of someone else, keep the conversation light and pleasant. Participate in active listening by pausing eating to engage.

After Eating
  • Reflect on your gratitude for the meal.

  • Sit and talk after your meal.

  • Take a few belly breaths to relax and aid in your digestion.
  • Take a light stroll.

Excerpted in part from Power Eating Program: You Are How You Eat by Lino Stanchich.

Healthy Products Purpose LLC,
Integrative Nutrition 

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