5 Tips to Avoid Weight Gain
- Have an eating schedule and stick to it. For example, breakfast, lunch, dinner, and one optional snack any time during the day might be flexible, yet keep you from grazing and treating yourself all day.
- Come up with a meal plan daily. Decide what you’re going to eat for the day. Impulsive decisions will sabotage your better judgement. For example, breakfast will be… ; lunch will be… ; snack will be… ; dinner will be…
- Yes, these are rigid guidelines. But if you’re finding yourself in the kitchen more than you’d like, it may just be what you need for a trial period. Commit to this for 7 days and see how you feel.
- It’s ok to feel hunger. Allow space between meals. Wait at least 4 hours before you eat again. This is good for your waistline and also very good for your digestion.
- Look to eat a balanced plate of food. See how you feel eating more vegetables. 1/4 of your plate leafy greens (raw, like salad, or cooked, like swiss chard); 1/4 more veg (cauliflower, zucchini, etc); 1/4 protein (animal or plant); 1/4 starch (like grain or root veg); sprinkle with healthy fats (oils, nuts, seeds, etc).
When This Doesn’t Work…
- When you have the impulse to eat outside of your plan, take a moment to investigate why.
- Are you H.A.L.T (Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired)? Did you eat enough at your previous meal? If you didn’t eat enough, make a mental note to eat a more substantial meal next time and remind yourself, you’ll be ok even if you’re hungry. The other 3, Angry, Lonely, Tired are not helped by more food, even if we might instinctively soothe ourselves by eating.|
- If you can– find ways to feel feelings, you will grow emotionally while taking better care of yourself. Sometimes food is just the comfort we want and it helps us avoid feelings that might be too big for us to handle at the time. But if we take small steps and embrace feelings, perhaps with support, we grow emotionally and learn to better care for ourselves. This is how we overcome emotional eating in the long run.
If you would like some customized support to delve deeper into your health and nutrition, let’s chat.

In Need of Some Cooking Skills? Join the Home Chef Project by our very own HBH Chef Molly. It’s a very approachable and very affordable step-by-step workshop series to learn the basic cooking skills you need to make delicious food efficiently. Learn everything from knife skills to how to perfectly sear and build flavor. |
“I’d highly recommend HBH. They’ll do the research to find out what YOUR body needs and then roll up their sleeves with you and get to work. ” – Kelli L., San Francisco
Our Approach
We practice a holistic approach to health and wellness, which means we look at how all the areas of your life are interconnected.
Our goal is to help you maximize what’s helpful, minimize what’s not, and give you a detailed comprehensive plan with support along the way.
Learn more about our approach here.
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